Management buy-outs and buy-ins

A team of managers considering a buy-out or buy-in will be facing one of the most difficult and challenging decisions of their lives. Although they know that the task will be time consuming inevitably they will under-estimate just how much time and energy it will take.

A management team needs experienced advisers who can guide them through the process and help them avoid the common pitfalls. Ultimately, they will need accountancy, tax and financial advisers who they can rely on to help them run their own business after the transaction. We help teams throughout the process, from the initial valuations, the development of business plans, structuring of the new business, raising the finance, tax planning (both for the business and the directors), evaluation of the assets and confirmation that the financial management systems and reports are accurate. We also help the management team with the significant negotiations with both the finance providers and the owning company as well as the various other professional advisers involved.